¿De verdad el buen tipo siempre llega último? ¡No si miramos las cosas desde la perspectiva de Dios!
¿De verdad el buen tipo siempre llega último? ¡No si miramos las cosas desde la perspectiva de Dios!
Does the nice guy really always come in last? Not if you look at things from God’s perspective!
Are you stuck in a routine? Routines aren’t bad, except if they interfere with your walk with Jesus! Jesus should be front and center always!
If you want to move forward in life, be sure to be diligent in all you do. And if you want to make God smile, be diligent in your relationship with Him as well!
God reminds us in countless ways that He loves us, and He urges us to share our life and love as well!
We never know which day will be our last on earth … Why not live each day to its fullest?
Where are YOUR treasures stored? On Earth, where they can be stolen? Or in Heaven?