Is God still in the miracle business? You bet! It is a myth that He no longer cares for His children, and He is still actively busting that myth!
Is God still in the miracle business? You bet! It is a myth that He no longer cares for His children, and He is still actively busting that myth!
What is God to you? He makes the way where there is none, He works your miracles, He shines in the darkness … What else could we need?
Constantly tell others about Jesus and the Gospel no matter your age.
Do you need 3 signs and 4 wonders before you believe a miracle? If so, then you need a new mindset. God hasn’t stopped in the miracle business!
Remembering the blessing of the past can help us as we face difficulties today. Holy Spirit bring the splendor of the past to our minds that we do not forget.
So how is it that a swarm of bees and three young elephants could chase away terrorists?
Is God’s healing still for today? You bet! But we need to do our part…Faith, Repentance, Rebuking…