Dios eliminó la barrera entre Él y la humanidad. Ahora ya no estamos atados a ceremonias, sacrificios de animales o una determinada época del año. Podemos acercarnos a Dios con valentía en cualquier momento y en cualquier lugar, y Él nos escuchará y contestará nuestras oraciones.
God removed the barrier between Himself and humankind. Now we are no longer bound by ceremonies, animal sacrifices, or a certain time of the year. We can approach God boldly anytime, anywhere, and He will hear us and answer our prayers.
God doesn’t want to hear from you only when you have problems. He wants to hear the good things as well! If you can’t sleep, try talking to the shepherd!
Life is full of miscommunications, and the majority of misunderstandings are linked to these. Fortunately we have a God who knows how to communicate with us!