Does your faith seem to be missing in action? Jesus, who is always faithful, is waiting to meet us where we are!
Does your faith seem to be missing in action? Jesus, who is always faithful, is waiting to meet us where we are!
Are you a “Big Mama”? Do you act as though you can solve your kids’ problems with your own strength? Why not turn it over to “Daddy God”?
It’s time to take a leap in faith. Don’t just wade in the shallow end, jump out! God has this!
Feeling a bit impatient because God isn’t doing what you think He should be doing? Take a step back in humility and choose faith.
The wait can be long, but don’t give up! For when we do, our breakthrough could be just around the corner!
No matter how the world denies it, the scripture is life giving. The truths therein will bring us to a spiritual breakthrough in our lives.
Sometimes what God calls you to do will be thankless. Sometimes it will put you in trouble. Nonetheless, God asks us to do it, “with ALL our might”!