In keeping with the Shepherds of old, do we, also seek out Jesus to see what the Lord is making known to us today? Why not try it this Christmas!
In keeping with the Shepherds of old, do we, also seek out Jesus to see what the Lord is making known to us today? Why not try it this Christmas!
Are you stuck in a routine? Routines aren’t bad, except if they interfere with your walk with Jesus! Jesus should be front and center always!
Do our hearts cry out as loudly and demandingly for God’s Word as baby goats cry out for their food? Do we hunger for God?
It is wonderful to spend quality time with the people we love. It is even more rewarding to spend quality time with God! Make time for this every day!
We all need time with God: Both at the corporate level, and, as my dog would teach me, at the quiet level as well!
Todos necesitamos tiempo con Dios: tanto a nivel corporativo como, como me enseñaría mi perro, ¡también a nivel tranquilo!
God loves you. Call on Him. Sing a song of love to Him. Let Him love on you. You won’t regret it the feeling!