Do we care for the child-like handicapped? Or do we become like them? Jesus says unless we become like a child, we will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven!
Do we care for the child-like handicapped? Or do we become like them? Jesus says unless we become like a child, we will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven!
¿De verdad el buen tipo siempre llega último? ¡No si miramos las cosas desde la perspectiva de Dios!
Does the nice guy really always come in last? Not if you look at things from God’s perspective!
Do you know how much God loves you? There is nothing you can do that will make God stop loving you. If you think you aren’t loved, think again!
¿Quiénes somos nosotros, como seres humanos, para definir la “discapacidad”? ¡Estar fuera del rango de lo “normal” no limita a nadie a los ojos de Dios!
Who are we, as humans to define “handicap”? Being outside the range of “normal” does not limit anyone in God’s eyes!
We all need encouragement from time to time. Why not reach out to someone and be the encouragement they need?