Does it seem hard to keep your balance in the walk through life? Remember to keep your eyes on your true home, Heaven!
Does it seem hard to keep your balance in the walk through life? Remember to keep your eyes on your true home, Heaven!
Want God to light a fire in you? Ask Him what you are supposed to be doing, and then do it to the best of your ability!
What if … What if we all were to long for God as much as He longs for us?
¿Qué pasaría si todos anheláramos a Dios tanto como Él nos anhela a nosotros?
Finding yourself falling short spiritually? Knock off the negative attitude and focus upon what God has promised He is doing!
God’s eyes are always on us; therefore, shouldn’t our eyes also always be on Him?
We may never completely understand why things are the way they are. Our job is to do our best and trust God to guide us!