How many “burrs” do YOU have knotted into your Christmas celebration, “burrs” that if not removed, will remove your focus from Jesus?
How many “burrs” do YOU have knotted into your Christmas celebration, “burrs” that if not removed, will remove your focus from Jesus?
The more we witness the violence, intolerance, hate, war, immorality, etc. in our world today, the more we need to keep our eyes on Jesus!
¡Cuanto más somos testigos de la violencia, la intolerancia, el odio, la guerra, la inmoralidad, etc. en nuestro mundo hoy, más necesitamos mantener nuestros ojos en Jesús!
Keep your eyes on Jesus and he will guide you. And more than that, if we wander away, He will keep calling us until we respond!
Does it seem hard to keep your balance in the walk through life? Remember to keep your eyes on your true home, Heaven!
Want God to light a fire in you? Ask Him what you are supposed to be doing, and then do it to the best of your ability!
What if … What if we all were to long for God as much as He longs for us?