¡Cuanto más somos testigos de la violencia, la intolerancia, el odio, la guerra, la inmoralidad, etc. en nuestro mundo hoy, más necesitamos mantener nuestros ojos en Jesús!
¡Cuanto más somos testigos de la violencia, la intolerancia, el odio, la guerra, la inmoralidad, etc. en nuestro mundo hoy, más necesitamos mantener nuestros ojos en Jesús!
Do you truly believe that God can do all things? Why not put Him to the test?
How many of us remember to be grateful for what He has blessed us with? Especially in difficult times? Perhaps we need to learn from the gentleness of a child!
Let’s give freely of our time and resources to benefit others. Let’s be cheerful givers. We don’t have to worry that we won’t have enough for ourselves. God has all the resources we need.
We all know we need to be grounded in Christ, but just how do you do that?
Keep your eyes on Jesus and he will guide you. And more than that, if we wander away, He will keep calling us until we respond!
Is your life … broken? You can trust God to bring healing to your broken pieces of your life!