Close Your Eyes

John 14:18 I will not leave you as orphansI remember once when I took my mother in law to the orthopedic surgeon for an examination. One of the tests was for her to shut her eyes and try to walk a few steps. She was aware her balance was off, but she did as the doctor...

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"The little bird has chosen his shelter; above it are the stars and the deep heaven of worlds; yet he is rocking himself to sleep without caring for tomorrow’s lodging, calmly clinging to his little twig and leaving God to think for him" Martin Luther (1483–1546)A few...

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Trust and Obey

Whenever I think I have a handle on life, my dogs teach me a new lesson on life and living. Sandi is part collie part mutt, but all heart, she is quite simply put, my dog. She follows me everywhere, sleeps with me, and is at the driveway when I arrive home.So what...

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Head Home, Now!

Tonight as I write to you , I tell you, I am grateful to our Heavenly Father for his protection.I was in Calgary visiting with mother and the snow had started coming down with a vengence. And even as I drove to be with mom, my head was saying, "head for home now!" Not...

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