God gives us the desires of our hearts, right? But what about the times He asks us to help someone ELSE achieve the desires of THEIR hearts, at our expense?
God gives us the desires of our hearts, right? But what about the times He asks us to help someone ELSE achieve the desires of THEIR hearts, at our expense?
Do you have a problem or situation you need help with? Turn to God in prayer. Let Him take care of it! He is the God of the impossible!
What do you do if someone hurts your feelings? Get mad? Confront the person? Stew on it? Or turn it over to God? Only this last one brings relief.
True grit is driven by passion, not by strength. When our passion is Jesus, then we can trust in His strength to empower us!
Sometimes life spirals out of control and the harder we try to be in control, the worse it gets. Why? Because we aren’t focused on God!
Do you let your emotions make your decisions? Why not try stopping to pray instead? With God leading, everything can be changed!
Having trouble hearing and understand God’s Word? Perhaps you should try some intentional listening!