Does the Bible leave you scratching your head in confusion? It will — unless you are directly connected to its Author!
Does the Bible leave you scratching your head in confusion? It will — unless you are directly connected to its Author!
What the Bible’s shortest texts have to offer your Christian life? They may be short, but they are but sweet; and they come packing a powerful punch…
The Bible is the best-selling book of all times. Why then, when we can read a good book all day, can’t we manage to squeeze out more than a few verses of God’s Word? The true bestseller?
The Bible is “God-Breathed”! That means that the Holy of Holies actually breathed every word and put it into our hands!
¡La Biblia es “inspirada por Dios”! ¡Eso significa que el Lugar Santísimo realmente respiró cada palabra y la puso en nuestras manos!
There is nothing that can shape us like the “God Book” — The Holy Bible!
Ridding our minds of sinful thoughts is difficult. Good news, God is there to help us!