Waiting. Seems we spend our lives doing it. Waiting to do this or that … Meanwhile how much of life is passing us by?
Waiting. Seems we spend our lives doing it. Waiting to do this or that … Meanwhile how much of life is passing us by?
What we think is so important that the bible tells us even our thoughts need to be lovely!
When life hurts? Remember: Our life is but a piece in God’s grand jigsaw puzzle. We can trust Him to work it all out for the good!
God has always had a plan for his children. What some mean for bad he uses for good.
Troubles overwhelming you? Have you ever stopped to consider that this was perhaps the “preferred” path that God could have chosen for you to follow?
¿Los problemas te abruman? ¿Alguna vez te has detenido a considerar que este era quizás el camino “preferido” que Dios podría haber elegido para que lo siguieras?
Human beings and horses will seemingly always gravitate toward comfort. Comfort is good until it leaves us in a state of laziness.