The Day After Christmas

The Christmas Tree

Don't look under the Christmas tree for a gift, for the "gift" hung on the tree; The red lights stand for His blood, that He shed for you and me. The glittering strings of icicles, are for each one of His angels standing by; Waiting to do His holy biding, on God's...

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Christmas Sam

Luke 1:49 - For the Mighty One has done great things for me -- holy is his name. (NIV)I call him Christmas Sam because he doesn't just enter a room, rather, he bursts in with his face radiant, as bright as a night star, and with legs that wobble a wee bit like Tiny...

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Christmas Gifts

Some of my earliest memories from childhood are of sneaking under the Christmas tree to see what gifts had my name on them. I can remember lifting, shaking, and even peeling back some wrapping paper in order to see what toys my parents had gotten me. One Christmas...

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Mary’s boy Child

Matthew 1:20 "But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, 'Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit.'"When my mom suddenly died...

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Mary Had a Secret

Mary had a she was afraid to tell; Told to her by Gabriel, while standing by the well. "You shall give birth to The Son of God and call Him Jesus Christ;" "How can this be possible, I am not yet Joseph's wife?"   "With God all things are...

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No Need to Pillage the Village

Christmas shopping madness. I did about as much shopping that first week of the shopping season as I could stand. And normally I can stand a lot of shopping. But around that crazy season, I lose a lot of my stamina. Maybe it's because instead of the Christmas spirit,...

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Overnight Parking

This Christmas has been more exciting than most for me. I work at a Christian Ministry in a beautiful building that has a beautifully decorated lobby, and have musicians come to play their instruments to inspire us to the fullest.Our office is having a Christmas...

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