La Navidad debería ser un momento alegre. Pero no siempre lo es, porque hay cosas que interfieren con nuestra alegría. No importa cuán dura sea la Navidad, ¡recordemos por qué la celebramos!
La Navidad debería ser un momento alegre. Pero no siempre lo es, porque hay cosas que interfieren con nuestra alegría. No importa cuán dura sea la Navidad, ¡recordemos por qué la celebramos!
Are things tight this Christmas? Are you tempted to wonder where God is in your circumstances? Look no farther than the baby in the manger…
There are times when everything is peaceful and calm. But other times, peace just can’t be found. Could it be we are looking to the wrong source for peace?
¿En qué te estás deleitando? ¿En cosas que te quitan la paz? Que nos deleitemos en el amor de Dios y del Espíritu Santo.
What are you feasting on? Things that take away your peace? May we feast on the love of God and the Holy Spirit.
How is it possible to feel peace in the midst of tragedy? Only through Jesus. Only He gives that kind of peace that cannot be taken away!
Have you had those days where everything seems to be frustrating you? Let’s remember to seek God’s patience, to administer correction only when necessary, and to do so with loving kindness.