No Need to Pillage the Village

by | May 18, 2010 | Christmas, Worship

Christmas shopping madness. I did about as much shopping that first week of the shopping season as I could stand. And normally I can stand a lot of shopping. But around that crazy season, I lose a lot of my stamina. Maybe it’s because instead of the Christmas spirit, so many people have more of a bliss-less spirit. Zero glee. Even less patience. I was pretty sure I got overcharged when I was out shopping, for instance. But I didn’t say anything. Why? Because, as my daughter pointed out, the sales person was a very sturdy, Nordic-looking woman with one eyebrow and no smile and I feared her greatly. I certainly didn’t want to kick off any needless pillaging and/or plundering.

We need a Jesus-reminder every single step along the way as we celebrate the season. Have you ever thought about the fact that on that first Christmas, there was no shopping? Weird thought, isn’t it? So I’m writing myself a note to not let shopping become my season focus and to remember to celebrate the birth of my King, Jesus Christ. Not “Vi”-king. THE King. What a wonder that Christ was born as a less-than-sturdy human with our eternal salvation as his one purpose in coming.

And that reminds me to celebrate the fact that there doesn’t have to be any pillaging. No need to plunder. Seize Christmas wonder.

Rhonda Rhea


No Need to Pillage the Village


