Isn’t it often the case that we get so used to things that we don’t even see them when they are … right under our noses! What if that “thing” we don’t “see” is Jesus’ salvation?
Isn’t it often the case that we get so used to things that we don’t even see them when they are … right under our noses! What if that “thing” we don’t “see” is Jesus’ salvation?
Real joy is possible! May we, with thanks, open-heartedly go with you, giving everything to gain a greater price.
Every day, every hour on this earth is a gift. You do not know when you will draw our last breath on Earth; but when you do, where will you spend eternity? Make a decision for Jesus … today!
Constantly tell others about Jesus and the Gospel no matter your age.
Love is a gift and was first displayed by our Heavenly Father.
As Christmas approaches, we are all focused on packages… But the best package of all came over 2000 years ago. Will you accept that package?
Dedication to doing good, even with difficulty can fill your heart to overflowing. Being thankful for all we have drives us to give.