Christmas should be a joyful time. But it isn’t always, for things interfere with our joy. No matter how hard Christmas is, let’s remember why we celebrate!
Christmas should be a joyful time. But it isn’t always, for things interfere with our joy. No matter how hard Christmas is, let’s remember why we celebrate!
La Navidad debería ser un momento alegre. Pero no siempre lo es, porque hay cosas que interfieren con nuestra alegría. No importa cuán dura sea la Navidad, ¡recordemos por qué la celebramos!
Are things tight this Christmas? Are you tempted to wonder where God is in your circumstances? Look no farther than the baby in the manger…
In keeping with the Shepherds of old, do we, also seek out Jesus to see what the Lord is making known to us today? Why not try it this Christmas!
The Twelve Days of Christmas: Nothing but a silly song? Or could it be the launch pad for us to begin the new year firmly grounded in our faith?
MinistriesLos doce días de Navidad: ¿Nada más que una canción tonta? ¿O podría ser la plataforma de lanzamiento para que comencemos el nuevo año firmemente arraigados en nuestra fe?
When feeling a little grinchy, we must remember God is still in control, still has our best interests at heart, and still loves us.