Potato Pancakes

Enjoy Life

Based on the stories she told again and again, I concluded she had once been a well-to-do woman. But now, as a resident in a nursing home, she was left with only a limited wardrobe and a few photos of her family.As I looked at her, I tried to imagine what she must...

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Yukon, Here We Come!

Our trek from Skagway, Alaska to Whitehorse, Yukon brought us through three different and amazing ecosystems, each unique in and of itself; and all of this, within an hour.The first that we passed through was the Coastal Rainforest, typified by its huge, lush trees...

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Choosing to Be Positive

Many things about your life are not yours to choose. You didn't choose to be born to that mother and father. Matter of fact, you didn't choose to be born at all! You didn't choose a body build, a nose, or ears. And you can't rework the things that have happened to you...

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