Feeling a bit — depleted? Good news! God knows you inside out! Cry out to Him for replenishment of your body, mind and soul!
Feeling a bit — depleted? Good news! God knows you inside out! Cry out to Him for replenishment of your body, mind and soul!
Que nuestro carácter piadoso, fruto del Espíritu, sea la marca que nos identifique como seguidores de Jesús.
May our godly character, the fruit of the Spirit, be the mark that identifies us as followers of Jesus.
Whatever we put into our hearts will eventually overflow on to the saucer. May it be God’s love!
At least one time we all have been strays and away from God. Praise Him that He doesn’t give up searching!
Faces! Faces! We see many faces as we walk this earth but it’s Jesus’ face we want to see.
Constantly tell others about Jesus and the Gospel no matter your age.