God given insights from the glorious beauty of falling leaves.
God given insights from the glorious beauty of falling leaves.
Are times a bit harder than usual? Are you finding the load harder to carry? Give it to God! You can trust Him … especially in the hard times!
He care so much for us that we can cast our anxiety away!
Sin’s fallout effects are never pleasant. God reminds us that we are temples of His Spirit, to be presented as pure and holy. How do we prevent sin’s fallout effects?
How can you be a hero in God’s army today? Perhaps it’s as simple as … sticking to your convictions!
How do we truly trust in the loving care of our Heavenly Father when things appear to be falling apart?
"The wise men shall be put to shame; they shall be dismayed and taken; behold, they have rejected the Word of the LORD, so what wisdom is in them?" (Jeremiah 8:9 ESV) Scripture's evaluation is clear: wisdom of the worldly sort without the Word of God will not win the...