Beauty? In darkness? What about beauty in … trials? If we surrender them to God, He will make something beautiful from the darkness in our lives.
Beauty? In darkness? What about beauty in … trials? If we surrender them to God, He will make something beautiful from the darkness in our lives.
Feeling all alone in your troubles? You don’t need to walk it alone! We have God who is willing to carry our burdens!
¿Te sientes completamente solo en tus problemas? ¡No es necesario que lo camines solo! ¡Tenemos a Dios que está dispuesto a llevar nuestras cargas!
God is always home, always waiting for us to call upon Him. We are, after all, His kids!
No matter where I am, Jesus is right there with me. Sometimes He walks beside me; other times it seems like He’s far away. But He isn’t! He will never leave me alone!
A garden full of perennials will ensure that you have flowers year after year. God is like those flowers! He never changes, He is always present, you can depend upon Him!
God never sleeps or gets tired. He is always on the job. And since we can be sure God is working on our issues, we can go take a nap!