Books of the Bible

Power of Prayer

This morning I realized that God answers all my prayers, large or small. Maybe I am just more aware of God in my life now that I am getting older and life has knocked me in the head so many times. My past is like a dream sometimes with all it's ups and downs, mostly...

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The Power of prayer

I believe in the power of prayer as a viable means to healing and other needs and desires. God answers prayer that is sincere and heartfelt. I myself have had many prayers answered. Every day He answers prayer for protection and provision for me and my family.I...

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Power Suit

I wore my bright red suit to church this past Sunday. Someone mentioned that I was wearing my "power suit." That made me smile. It made me want to do something…well…powerful. If the suit had a cape I might've tried to fly.I was pondering something powerful to do...

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Yesterday was one of those days. I was so pooped that I struggled to sit upright at the dining room table. It took extreme effort to hold my head up out of the soup bowl. Days like that are common for me because I have a connective tissue disease that causes chronic...

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How Do You Do That, Grampie?

There was Ethan, sitting on the floor at the end of the hall. I was at the other end. He was going to push his favorite dump truck across to me. He got ready, took careful aim and PUSHHHH! The truck came hurtling down the hall. When it reached halfway it bounced off...

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