The Power of Prayer

My son, Bradley, is an electrician. Recently he was injured on the job when a pipe he was holding hit a switch box which exploded. Bradley was facing the explosion so his eyes were badly burned and his hearing in his left ear was damaged as well.My purpose for telling...

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Power In – Age

We had a power outage for a couple of days a few weeks ago. I had a speaking engagement and had to fly out early. The challenging part was that I had to pack IN THE DARK. I was just hoping I'd get to the speaking venue with two shoes that matched.The biggest crisis,...

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Today I Was Reminded

How many times do we forget to remember how God has supplied all our needs, and has given us better than we ever expected?I am currently involved in a project that requires us to move a historical art museum… A costly adventure! While trying to raise funds and look at...

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Beauty and the Beast

Hymn..."Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus"How times flies! "Ice storm 2000 hits Atlanta with a relentless rage!"I can hardly believe that 7 years ago this was a headline in our Atlanta paper, and then proceeded to tell how devastating this particular storm was to our city.I...

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