Power of Prayer

by | May 19, 2008 | Intercession, Power

This morning I realized that God answers all my prayers, large or small. Maybe I am just more aware of God in my life now that I am getting older and life has knocked me in the head so many times. My past is like a dream sometimes with all it’s ups and downs, mostly down. I know now that it was one of the best lessons a person can learn, that of experience. It taught me to be so grateful for all that I have today.

Yesterday, Precious, my little cat, went outside as she enjoys doing. I was busy outside and didn’t pay her much attention as she romped and played. Afternoon came and I finished up what I was doing and came inside for a shower and dinner. No Precious. She usually shows back up around six o’clock and comes inside for the night. She won’t sleep in her cat bed but does love curling up on the nice, soft sofa and unlike most cats, sleeping all night. Darkness fell and I still didn’t hear the sound of her bells she wears on her collar.

I didn’t really worry much as she sometimes did this so I went to bed around 8:00 PM and just laid there watching television and checking to see if Precious was at the door. I finally dozed off and woke up several times during the night, listening and watching for that cat.

Morning came and still no Precious. I looked around outside and no sign of her. We just moved to this new place and all sorts of horror stories began running through my mind. Many times she has made me so angry that I thought I could give her away with no problem. I was already missing her after one night and started praying for her safety. I thought she might just be gone for good. Maybe somebody picked her up. Some of my neighbors have company from up north and such and one with children might have taken her. I started praying that they would give her a good home. Then I asked God to send her back to me so I could make sure she is cared for.

About that time I heard some jingling bells that were unmistakably Precious! I opened the door and there she stood, big fluffy tail wagging! I just wanted to grab her but instead I just petted her and asked her where she had been all night. She wouldn’t say where, only, “Meow, I am happy to be home.”

God is so good to me. I always wondered where He was in my times of peril and I know now that He was always there. I just didn’t notice.

I like to think I am still growing on a daily basis. Lately, I am learning more about the power of prayer and how it ties in with doing God’s will. I think that God’s will for me is to be as good a person as I can and always try to do what I feel is right. I believe that He will do the rest. I know that He loves me unconditionally no matter what I do and has proven that time and again. He gives me so much and more and all I have to do is take time to say, “Thank you.”

Sharlett Hunt Sharlette863@aol.com


Power of Prayer


