Troubles getting you down? Ask God to reveal to you the good that He is working into your situation!
Troubles getting you down? Ask God to reveal to you the good that He is working into your situation!
What problems are you plagued with? God is bigger than anything we are going through. Give it to God and let Him handle it!
We don’t need to be afraid in the midst of a storm. Jesus is with us!
As we struggle with deep waters of difficulty and wonder if we are going to drown suddenly we hear a voice, “Peace be Still”
We weren’t created to always be stressed out over things. We were created to be happy and to witness. There’s only one solution: Surrender!
No matter how Satan tries to hide the Light from us, Jesus will always shine through the darkness.
Life gets rough, but it’s not all about me! Our job is to surrender the burden and let God carry it!