The world is our mirror. We either reflect light or darkness We are either beacons of love or grayness of gloom. Which will it be?
The world is our mirror. We either reflect light or darkness We are either beacons of love or grayness of gloom. Which will it be?
Feeling all alone in your troubles? You don’t need to walk it alone! We have God who is willing to carry our burdens!
¿Te sientes completamente solo en tus problemas? ¡No es necesario que lo camines solo! ¡Tenemos a Dios que está dispuesto a llevar nuestras cargas!
The more we witness the violence, intolerance, hate, war, immorality, etc. in our world today, the more we need to keep our eyes on Jesus!
¡Cuanto más somos testigos de la violencia, la intolerancia, el odio, la guerra, la inmoralidad, etc. en nuestro mundo hoy, más necesitamos mantener nuestros ojos en Jesús!
Jesus IS the “light of the world”, but He also wants US to SHINE for Him. This will push us out of our comfort zone; but God will gently shape and help a willing heart.
We are called to shine God’s love. Even if you feel you can only flicker, the more you try to shine, the more light and love you will have to shine forth!