There is more than enough room in my Father’s home.
There is more than enough room in my Father’s home.
Jesus, our Advocate and great high priest works on our behalf when we are facing trials and cannot help ourselves.
Like the variety of the farmer’s seeds and grains, we are all different. God, our gardener, deals with each of us in ways appropriate to our situations.
Let’s give freely of our time and resources to benefit others. Let’s be cheerful givers. We don’t have to worry that we won’t have enough for ourselves. God has all the resources we need.
Nothing we do or don’t do will ever change God’s love for us.
May our godly character, the fruit of the Spirit, be the mark that identifies us as followers of Jesus.
God removed the barrier between Himself and humankind. Now we are no longer bound by ceremonies, animal sacrifices, or a certain time of the year. We can approach God boldly anytime, anywhere, and He will hear us and answer our prayers.