The Last Gift

A Long Good-bye

Light from the dashboard threw a pale glow on the haggard face of the aging man. Gripping the steering wheel, he peered into the night. Let's see, now, he thought, wrinkling his brow, how could it take me twelve hours to drive sixty miles?Earlier that day he'd driven...

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The Special Olympics in Seattle

It happened a few years ago at the Special Olympics in Seattle. Nine contestants, all physically or mentally disabled, assembled at the starting line for the hundred-yard dash. The contestants waited. The crowd watched. The gun sounded. It wasn't exactly a dash, but...

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David Livingstone

Many years ago as the body of David Livingstone, celebrated missionary doctor to Africa, was carried through the streets of London on its way to a final resting place in Westminster Abbey, thousands of people the world over mourned his passing. One man in particular...

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Change My Attitude, Please!

Recently I met Mary Jean, an outgoing forty-five-year-old who has a graduate degree from the University of Difficulty. "I'm so short," she laughed as she reached up to shake my hand, "that they gave me a periscope with my driver's license." As we talked I noticed that...

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The Outlook of Your Life

Jerry is the kind of guy you love to meet in the supermarket. He always has a kind word, a funny joke, or, at the very least, a smile. It doesn't take much to bring on that smile. Jerry's happy if all of the wheels on his grocery cart are going in the same direction....

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Phil Callaway


