The Wise Men: World News

Say “Awe”

Albert Einstein said that wonder is the source of all true art and all science. "He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead; his eyes are closed."During our recent visit to Peru, we were amazed at...

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Still Inspires Awe

Last fall, we drove to Niagara Falls during our vacation. I had always heard that it was a beautiful sight, but in the back of my mind I kept thinking, “It’s a waterfall – what’s the big deal?”When we got there, I was in awe. What I saw just took my breath away. No...

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Road Closed

All of us were eagerly anticipating this day, but no one as much as my oldest son. We were in the process of visiting several of our area's churches, and this week would take us to the church affiliated with the Christian High School that he was looking forward to...

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Jesus as Lord

In 1983 I left a very good-paying engineering job with Rockwell International to enter the ministry of helps full-time. I took a several thousand dollar a year pay cut. I made a sacrifice that made it look like I was totally sold out to Jesus without any desires of my...

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The Stress Dot

It was a deep royal purple. As I stared at this little stress dot—clinically called a “Bio-dot”—I marveled. This tiny invention actually changes colors with fluctuations of tension levels. It is black when you are stress, and then it changes to gradations of brown,...

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Revering Him

"The Almighty is beyond our reach and exalted in power; in his justice and great righteousness, he does not oppress. Therefore, men revere him, for does he not have regard for all the wise in heart?" - Job 37:23-24George Muller was a man who trusted the Lord. He was...

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Bible Pages

It was Sunday Morning and I began to worry when my friend Wendall LeRoy Archer had not shown up at E-block. That was the cell block that I was assigned to while I was being incarcerated at the Federal Prison At Lompoc, California. The night before we both had gone to...

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