Cacti in Saskatchewan?

It was with anticipation that we set out that afternoon to travel the back roads of southwestern Saskatchewan. Our goal? Buffalos! Sand dunes that were 75 feet high! Cacti! It was enough to make the prospect of a 120 km drive from where we had left our trailer in...

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Morning Rough Start

It has been a less than delightful morning so far. I overslept. That started things out of kilter. I had an appointment to take the van in for service and to put snow tires on. I rushed out the door to find several inches of fresh snow covering everything including...

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Help Me Get Off This Roller Coaster!

I used to LOVE roller coasters! The wilder the ride, the more I enjoyed it! Of course, this was way back in ancient times, when dinosaurs roamed the planet (Yes, I'm THAT old! If you don't believe it, ask my students!). Strange how things change. Simply lifting a cup...

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