When Worries Seem Irresistible

"Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" (Matt 6:27 NIV)When I was in grade 5, I enrolled in "Worry 101". My teacher announced bluntly at the beginning of June that several of us would not make it out of grade 5 that year. This caused my friends and...

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Where is My Hair?

My kids were excited. For weeks we had been planning on going to see "The Chronicles of Narnia" over Christmas break, and today was the day! They couldn't wait, but there was this one thing my wife planned to accomplish before leaving for the theatre: Haircuts! With...

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Balancing the Extremes

"My life is a real mess!" He said. "I either have highs or lows, Great things happen or bad things happen.""There was a point in my own life I thought the same thing. There was no average day. When things were great they were super. I didn't have to worry about a...

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You Don’t Believe Me!

"You don't believe me!"I'm afraid to admit that I say these words pretty often. But even more often, I hear others saying them! In fact, I was watching a TV show last weekend and observed these words being spoken between friends. The result? A fight broke out and the...

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