Do you want to soar like an eagle? It’s your choice! Only you have the power of choice!
Do you want to soar like an eagle? It’s your choice! Only you have the power of choice!
Sometimes we cling too long to the past hurts and sins. In Jesus name be free so you can enjoy your new life.
Freedom. It’s a valuable thing to have. Especially when you are referring to freedom from sin!
It doesn’t matter who you are or what you’ve done. Jesus wants you to come to Him!
What will you do with all these monsters in your life? Leave them to Jesus and watch how His grace will transform you from a monstrous blob into the real you. Freedom at last!
Though we are not physically behind bars, we can lack freedom. Christ only can set us free.
Frustrated by the chain of events that seem to be out to get you? What if it is all for a purpose?