Walking Through Mud

Black Flies

What is there about me that attracts black flies? I can be in the same place as the rest of my family, and they all leave without a single bite while I am literally covered. And to top it off, I must be a bit allergic to them, as each bite-site tends to swell into a...

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John had been gone a week when Helen was awakened at midnight by Eva's cries. I'll warm a bottle for her, Helen decided. As she stepped into the hall, she was startled to see flames consuming the whole kitchen wall. There had been nothing to make her suspect fire-no...

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Of Shoelaces and Things

Shoelaces aren’t quite as common now days with the advent of Velcro and other types of shoe fasteners but once upon a time most shoes had laces. There were the long raw-hide type for boots, long cotton ones for sneakers, nice round black ones for dress shoes, etc. I...

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Jigsaw Puzzle

Psalm 139:13 For you created my innermost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.Sometimes the winter days seem long and boring, and last January I was looking for something interesting to do. I thought a jigsaw puzzle was the answer. I could set up a card...

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