Laird River, in Northern British Columbia, hosts an unusual provincial park. Although snow and sleet force the closure of most Canadian parks, the hot springs at Laird River, with their two separate, natural pools, ensure that the Laird River Hot Springs Provincial Park stays open year round.
The first of the pools, the Alpha pool, is the warmest, as well as the most famous. Its temperatures range from 40° to 53°C (This translates to 104-128°F, for our American friends). Just my kind of temperatures! No wonder I love beaches and deserts!
The range in temperature is caused by the influx of the cooler Psi Spring waters, and thus, the farther you are from the hot water source, the cooler the water becomes. The temperatures near the source, however, are a hellish delight, if you can endure them!
My oldest son and I decided to experience the differences in temperature first-hand. Sure enough, the closer we got to the source, the more we realized that our skin wasn’t made for high temperatures! I sure would hate to find myself in hell!
We did manage to get close to the source of the water anyway, by following a tip from a fellow tourist: We moved our arms around the surface of the water as fast as we could! Guess what! It worked! What we discovered was that cooler water was trapped beneath the 128° F source water that snaked across the surface. When we moved our arms around, especially from the bottom to the top, we mixed the cooler water with the practically boiling surface water, making it bearable. Pretty neat! We were able to experience what lobsters feel like, without becoming overcooked! A very unique experience, don’t you think?
The hot spring experience reminds me of our walk through life. There’s one thing that we can always be sure of: Like the near-boiling waters of the Laird River Hot Springs, adversity WILL hit us! If we meet it head-on, with our arms down, we will be overwhelmed, devastated, rendered completely hopeless. When we move our arms in prayer however, depending upon the leading of the Holy Spirit, we release the cool blessings from the Lord into the trouble, making it bearable. In fact, we are able to experience what David personally experienced: “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” (Ps 23:4 NIV)
It’s true! We have nothing to fear! Not even hellish waters! We have the best and most powerful Friend anyone can have, and unlike most humans, He will never abandon us. Why? Because He has our best interest at heart!
“The Lord knows how to rescue godly men from trials.” (2 Peter 2:9 NIV)
With the apostle Paul, we can have the confidence that: “The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom.” (2 Tim 4:18 NIV)
Isn’t that awesome?
128°F waters? That’s nothing! Give me 150 degrees! I can endure anything if I depend on prayer and on God’s Spirit for direction!
Will you join me at the source of the Alpha pool at Liard River Hot Springs?
Rob Chaffart