Faith isn’t something I can conjure up. It comes from trusting and relying upon God. It’s about learning to face obstacles and challenges, one moment, one hour at a time in His strength and through His wisdom!
Faith isn’t something I can conjure up. It comes from trusting and relying upon God. It’s about learning to face obstacles and challenges, one moment, one hour at a time in His strength and through His wisdom!
What we think is so important that the bible tells us even our thoughts need to be lovely!
We may feel small and humble … but God lives in us! Jesus will grow us to full growth to the honor and glory of God!
Love your enemies… You mean the mean neighbour or the guy that cut me off, right? Surely you don’t mean the ones who want to take my life … Or?
Want people to smell a wonderful aroma from us? Then let’s work on our “spiritual smell”! When our actions, words and our attitudes align with God’s Word, we smell nice!
So many Hawaiian shirts on the streets! Wouldn’t it be good if there were just as many Christians sporting Christ?
Just as a farmer tends the soil in order to ensure good crops, we must tend the soil … of our hearts!