Dog and Bone

“Do you want a bone?” asks my wife of our wonderful dog. Immediately his ears pricked up, and he watched her go to the freezer, rummage around in the plastic container and then carry the prized possession to the sink.Having defrosted this dog delicacy, Diesel stands...

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Crowns for You and Me

I was a transfer dump truck driver, and I had just picked up a load of topsoil. As I drove from the site, a field of yellow flowers caught my eye and I decided to stop and pray. I got out of my rig and walked into the field, praising God for the beauty I could see all...

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First Light

Back when we kids were small there was a little boy two houses down that was blind. Smart little guy too. He could read Braille, at a sixth grade level, and he was only six or seven. The way he ran, played and spoke to you, it would be difficult to tell he was blind...

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Music to My Soul

Music can be so invigorating and uplifting, especially if it is directed towards praising God! Realizing this, Mr. Bowen volunteered to join Bishop Bompas in the Yukon. Little was known of the territory at that time, but Mr. Bowen became convicted that a musical...

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Lip Service

Oh, the pressures that a lip-conscious gal has to deal with! First of all, you have to have lipstick in shades to match every outfit. On top of that, for some reason no one really understands, all those colors are required to have names that make you feel really...

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Make a Joyful Noise Unto the Lord

"Make a joyful shout to God, all the earth! Sing out the honor of His name; Make His praise glorious. Say to God, 'How awesome are Your works! Through the greatness of Your power Your enemies shall submit themselves to You.'" (Psalms 66:1-3 NKJV)No 1000 voice chorus...

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Raise My Voice

I lost my voice for a couple of days this week. I have about 85 percent of it back and I sound a little like I swallowed one of the dog's squeaky toys when I try to hit the higher pitches, but I'm so happy to even have that. What a frustrating couple of days. I would...

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