Looking for God? Why not try your back yard?
Looking for God? Why not try your back yard?
What is your purpose? Is it the one you’ve pondered over for years? Or is it the one the God assigned to you before you were even born?
Hopelessly lost in our disappointment, the Bible tells us God can do immeasurably more than we can comprehend…
Desesperadamente perdidos en nuestra decepción, la Biblia nos dice que Dios puede hacer muchísimo más de lo que podemos comprender…
Nobody knows us like our Creator. What will WE do with that revelation?
God gave us a wonderful world to live in; but as beautiful as it is, Heaven will be so much more.
Ever ask “why” God has created things the way He has? Ever wonder “why” and “how” and “when”? You’re in good company; but let’s remember that God has a good reason for everything!