Many of you know I live at the Jersey shore in a house overlooking the water. Every morning I wake up facing and looking at the magnificent colors of the sunrise.Sometimes it is so beautiful that I run and get a camera to capture the moment so I can look at it again...
How many times do we forget to remember how God has supplied all our needs, and has given us better than we ever expected?I am currently involved in a project that requires us to move a historical art museum… A costly adventure! While trying to raise funds and look at...
It was still very cold outside, after the hen hatched her remaining chicks, so we took them all inside. Our children enjoyed taking care of them, and they were delightful to play with.One Sunday afternoon, my husband and I were sitting on our couch in the family room...
Right after the Open House for the Infant Care Center, we had to plan the Open house for the new school and summer camp out on the 13 acres. Although the property had been used as a Nursery School for a few hours a day, it needed work to accommodate what we had in...
When we signed the lease/purchase agreement the first of March, it was stipulated that we had to purchase the property before the end of the year's lease. Here it was already the end of June and we had our first graduating class of Tomorrow's Promise. Time was flying...
Goldilocks was the nickname we gave a runaway teen we found in the woods of a neighborhood park. We soon found out that she was wanted by the police, but not wanted at home.Where did she hope to go? What did she want to do? Who could we get to help her?Where did she...
The property we wanted to use for our Summer Camp program was located in a Russian community.At one time this was the leading meeting grounds for Russian immigrants and their families. The immigrants would migrate to the area, be given a small bungalow to sleep and...