Hymn…”Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus”
How times flies! “Ice storm 2000 hits Atlanta with a relentless rage!”I can hardly believe that 7 years ago this was a headline in our Atlanta paper, and then proceeded to tell how devastating this particular storm was to our city.
I knew nothing of this, however, when I awoke Sunday morning and viewed the attractive scene outside my window. The snowy ice was layered on the trees and grass, and the icicles decorated the bare branches with majestic beauty. The view was so lovely and serene that I was drawn outside to absorb more of this splendor. The appeal soon left me, however, as I saw the devastation which had occurred, beginning on our own street. Pine trees were bent with weight which the ice had put on them, and many limbs had cracked and were scattered over yards and roads. Magnolia trees seemed to be the second hardest hit, and I saw many other trees damaged and broken by the ice. The most damaging aspect of the storm, however, was the loss of electrical power. This occurred when tree limbs crashed upon power lines, bringing them down and rendering them useless. How could something that seemed so beautiful and appealing to me at first actually be so devastating? This was truly a case of beauty and the beast!
Sometimes secular life draws me to it, just as my first appealing glimpse of the icicle trees had. The glamour and appeal are very strong and seem to say, “come on., venture our, join the fun?” But once I am out there, “involved” , so to speak, I can see the beast of the situation. Just as the ice bent and broke the trees, so can secularism bend and break your moral integrity and split and render useless your Christian stand. The worst thing of all, is that sometimes the overbearing weight of secularism will cause you to topple over on you “electrical source” of spiritualism,– the one which keeps you united with Jesus. When this happens, God is willing and able to help you get reconnected.
The Georgia Power service men have worked relentlessly to repair the disrupted electrical service. Likewise, God will send helpers to assist reconnecting you to the greatest source for all our needs- Jesus. These believers will be faithful in praying for you and supporting you any way possible. Also, the Holy Spirit will be waiting for you to ask Him for His help to get this “power’ charged again.
Marion Smith noles65@aol.com