How often don’t we pass judgment on people without just cause? Better to forgive them and release them to their Lord!
How often don’t we pass judgment on people without just cause? Better to forgive them and release them to their Lord!
Nothing we do or don’t do will ever change God’s love for us.
At least one time we all have been strays and away from God. Praise Him that He doesn’t give up searching!
Outsider? Or insider? We have it in our power to make others “insiders”. It is also our choice to accept God’s invitation to be an insider of His kingdom!
Do your batteries need to be changed? What size do you need? God has the correct size for you. Just ask. He will give you what you need.
We all need boundaries, but we need to remember that with too many of them, we will never be able to witness. Let’s be willing to move our boundaries from time to time!
Sometimes we cling too long to the past hurts and sins. In Jesus name be free so you can enjoy your new life.