Little Acts of Love

Magnifying Mirror

I recently bought a magnifying mirror . . . A big, lighted magnifying mirror that makes it impossible for me to ignore all my face's imperfections. The unreasonable clerk who sold me the mirror wouldn’t let me return it. She said not liking what I saw in it wasn’t...

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Little Acts of Kindness

As I loaded dishes into the dishwasher, I sang along with the radio. My grandson looked up from the picture he was coloring and said, "Grandma, there’s one thing about you that I don’t like." Anticipating what he was going to say, I asked, "What? That I sing all the...

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Puzzles and Plans

My grandson Cobi used to have trouble putting puzzles together. When he decided a certain piece should fit into a specific spot, there was no convincing him that he could be wrong. No matter how difficult it was to squeeze that piece in, he pushed and pounded on it...

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Yesterday was one of those days. I was so pooped that I struggled to sit upright at the dining room table. It took extreme effort to hold my head up out of the soup bowl. Days like that are common for me because I have a connective tissue disease that causes chronic...

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Making God Laugh

One snowy morning, I left church with a simple "to do" list. It included "Go to church, go home, and relax with the family." Nowhere on the list was "fishtail around an icy curve, become airborne, flip my van, barely miss a telephone pole, puncture the gas tank, and...

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Hurting or Helping?

Over and over, Cobi screamed, "No! No!" As the nurse and I held him down. He sobbed in pain and begged for my help, but all I could do was push him down onto the table with all my might as he kicked at me. The look of fear on his face burned a hole into my heart. As...

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Marsha Jordan


