As Christmas approaches, we are all focused on packages… But the best package of all came over 2000 years ago. Will you accept that package?
As Christmas approaches, we are all focused on packages… But the best package of all came over 2000 years ago. Will you accept that package?
What God asks us to do isn’t always pleasant. But there is blessing in obedience!
This world is a dark, dark place. But it doesn’t have to be. We, as children of God, need to rise up and be the Light God has called us to be!
We are children of God? May we as his children leave a wake in our world. Will we be able to say, we fought the good fight, and finished the race? In ourselves we cannot, but in Christ we can finish our race.
¿Somos hijos de Dios? Que nosotros, como hijos suyos, dejemos un rastro en nuestro mundo. ¿Podremos decir que peleamos la buena batalla y terminamos la carrera? En nosotros mismos no podemos, pero en Cristo podemos terminar nuestra carrera.
Feeling like you may have … lost — or never known! — your purpose? Good news! If you’re still here on Earth, you still have purpose!
With church leadership on the decline and church attendance falling, shouldn’t we join in with Jesus’ prayer: “Pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest”?