What traits do you look for in friends? Ask the Holy Spirit to pick people of great character and who has your best interest in mind.
What traits do you look for in friends? Ask the Holy Spirit to pick people of great character and who has your best interest in mind.
Want people to smell a wonderful aroma from us? Then let’s work on our “spiritual smell”! When our actions, words and our attitudes align with God’s Word, we smell nice!
At least one time we all have been strays and away from God. Praise Him that He doesn’t give up searching!
Outsider? Or insider? We have it in our power to make others “insiders”. It is also our choice to accept God’s invitation to be an insider of His kingdom!
Direction determines destination… Could this be why discerning life’s direction is so critical?
Hearing God is one of the most important things we can do to know His will.
What if we were to long for the presence of God with the same intensity that we long for our loved ones?