
Peach Preserves

A member of our church gave me a jar of homemade peach preserves a couple of weeks ago. Few delicacies in life compare with her peach preserves. Should I someday face a firing squad, I'll pass on the cigarette but be the first to perk up if Sarah's peach preserves are...

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Unanswered Letters

Could do but remain a helpless sufferer.A thought came to him. It was always nice to receive letters, but why not write them--he could still use his right hand with some difficulty. But to whom could he write? Was there anyone shut-in and incapacitated like he was who...

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Unclaimed Blessings

Only after sorrow can joy be obtained.After many defeats the victory is gained.Once the heart's been broken time and again,The healing process can finally begin.When fear takes possession of the mind,Seek out the Lord and security you'll find.When indecision and doubt...

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Waiting at the Bus Depot

Late one night--or rather, early in the morning--at the lonely hour of three o'clock, I sat in the waiting room of a bus depot. There were only three of us. One other waiting passenger, a tired-looking little grandmother--or great-grandmother--sat hunched on the other...

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A Baby’s Pacifier

For years, Debi McCrea and her husband Mike had attempted to adopt an infant. Twice they'd almost signed papers, but arrangements had fallen through. Then in April 1993, they learned that a young pregnant woman had selected them to receive her baby. "We were thrilled,...

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The Angel Project

I held onto the hand of my shivering granddaughter as we waited our turn to get into the huge barn-like building. We couldn't see inside because of the length of the line up and so we passed our time watching the outside lineups.Volunteers were busily placing frozen...

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Nothing warms the heart quite like Christmas caroling. The holidays can be hectic and the spirit of Christmas can easily become lost in the rush and worry of getting everything “just right”. Eight of us decided to take a much-needed break and spend an evening...

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