We’re Live in 5 Seconds… 4-3-2-1

"For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned." - Matthew 12:37I had prepared carefully.I had studied my notes over and over again. I knew the material. I knew what I wanted to say. I knew HOW to say it.I had rehearsed my lines...

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Wonderfully Made

I was supposed to be nothing. That was the plan. At nine years old, my father screamed into my face: "YOU ARE NOTHING BUT A FAILURE! YOU WILL NEVER BE ANYTHING! YOU'LL NEVER BE ANYTHING BUT A NOTHING, AS LONG AS YOU LIVE!!!" And I believed him. I forgot that I was...

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Boneless Tongue

The boneless tongue so small and weak,Can crush and kill declared the Greek.The tongue destroys a greater hordethe Turk asserts, than does the sword.The Persian proverb wisely saithA lengthy tongue - an early death.Or sometimes takes this form instead,Don't let your...

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The Cure

A certain good woman one day said something that hurt her best friend of many years. She regretted it immediately, and would have done anything to have taken the words back. But they were said, impulsively, in a moment of thoughtlessness, and as close as she and her...

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When You Keep Your Mouth Shut

Don't open your mouth when: 1. In the heat of anger- Proverbs 14:17 2. When you don't have all the facts- Proverbs 18:13 3. When you haven't verified the story- Deuteronomy 17:6 4. If your words will offend a weaker person- 1 Corinthians 8:11 5. When it is time to...

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A Child’s Prayer

When the public schools of New Orleans were integrated under court order in 1960, four six-year-old black girls were selected to break the immoral barrier that had been built over generations to keep white and black children apart. Three were assigned to one school,...

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Bag of Nails

There was a little boy with a bad temper. His father gave him a bag of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper, to hammer a nail in the back fence.The first day the boy had driven 37 nails into the fence. Then it gradually dwindled down. He discovered it...

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