Emotions are a God-given part of being human. They can, however, get out of hand pretty fast. Keep your emotions in control or you will give a foothold to the devil!
Emotions are a God-given part of being human. They can, however, get out of hand pretty fast. Keep your emotions in control or you will give a foothold to the devil!
We can do some pretty heinous crimes when we are angry. Let’s pray the Lord takes away the root of our anger and fills us with the Fruit of His Spirit instead!
Keeping a short account is a good way to stay on top of your finances and stay out of debt. Keeping a short account of our anger and sin is a good way to keep us pure in heart!
It is vital that we forgive one another according to Matthew. If we do not forgive we will not be forgiven. So we must be tenderhearted and forgive.
"A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man keeps himself under control." (Prov 29:11 NIV)Based on an actual event.While driving around a Turnpike just North of one of North America's mega cities, a couple were talking. Before long, their conversation turned...
Somebody make you mad? Ask forgiveness and let it go.
An ancient memory pictures an event that occurred when I was four. I was busily engaged in playing with grain stored in the spare bedroom of a farm home where my family lived. My small hands were spreading the grain over the floor. What fun! Then, my father called up...