We’re Live in 5 Seconds… 4-3-2-1

by | May 31, 1999 | Witnessing, Words

“For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.” – Matthew 12:37

I had prepared carefully.

I had studied my notes over and over again. I knew the material. I knew what I wanted to say. I knew HOW to say it.

I had rehearsed my lines time after time after time.

I was ready.

And yet, when I heard the message “We’re ‘LIVE’ in 5 seconds — 4, 3, 2, 1″…

… I admit, I got a bit nervous.

There were people all over the globe who had paid their hard-earned money to hear a LIVE interview with me. My words were being recorded, transcribed, transmitted and distributed in several different mediums across the world.

That’s a lot weighing on your mind!

The only thing I could think about was making certain that I said the right things in the right way. I was on display and I didn’t want to slip. I chose my words carefully.

And things went well.

You know, wouldn’t it be nice if we spent that same kind of attention and detail to our words that we speak every day of our lives?

No, I don’t think we ought to be on edge, nervous about every peep that we utter — that wouldn’t be much of a life.

But, I do think we ought to be every bit as concerned about what we say and how we say it.

After all, we are on display for all of those we come into contact with.

Folks are listening to us. It’s that simple. We have an audience, and we influence that audience a great deal by the things we say. And even the manner in which we say it.

So, what are we saying?

Are we pointing others towards Christ with our tongues? Are we encouraging and edifying those around us? Are we uplifting and challenging and motivating the folks we meet on a daily basis?

Or, are we doing dishonor to the name of Jesus Christ? Are we discouraging and tearing down those around us in gossip and hurtful words? Are we poisoning and abusing those the folks we meet on a daily basis?

You see, our tongues can release honeycomb…

…or they can release poison.

Christian, today folks are going to be listening to what YOU say. Your day begins again RIGHT NOW. What message will you present with your words.

YOU’RE “LIVE” in 5 seconds…4, 3, 2, 1…

Have a “Wonderful DAY in Christ,” Jimmy D. Brown dailydevotional@Living4Jesus.com


We’re Live in 5 Seconds… 4-3-2-1


