It was June of 1968, and I was fleeing for my life, carrying my two-month-old, baby daughter. My brother had managed to scrape together enough money for a first class ticket on an airplane traveling from Atlanta to Detroit. My first marriage had become too dangerous,...
I only noticed him out of the corner of my eye. I knew he was a Marine from the cut of his uniform, with it's tightly pressed military creases. Then I heard him, speaking low with a kind of hiss. He was not speaking to me. He was speaking to my Sergeant, who was the...
The first thing I noticed was the hyena laughter, grating on the edge of my nerves.Then I saw them. Pointing and hooting, they could barely stand up, they were so overcome with mirth. As a single Mom and a secretary at the main campus of a large university, I was sick...
By the time Helen was eighteen months old, her eyes were a bright blue, and her hair was a gold red. By the time her eyes grew from sky-blue to sea-green, I was certain that she would be a rare beauty. However, Helen's personality and innate kindness would always...
Louie. What a giant of a man he was, from the beginning. We met in the home of mutual friends, who had rescued me and my children from a woman's shelter. I remember seeing him for the first time, how he seemed to fill the room, and I remember thinking, this is a man...
Breathing - how often I took it for granted when I was young. Sure, I had frequent colds and wheezing breaths, but I never knew that I had asthma. At the age of forty-four I had my first life threatening asthma attack. I resisted being put on prednisone, because I...
I sometimes shrink from the memories of my childhood, especially my adolescence and teenage years. My father drank heavily. My mother was continually depressed, and often non-communicative. We moved from place to place, just often enough to reinforce the feeling that...