How do you ensure that every word out of your mouth brings life instead of destruction? Only by asking God to guard your mouth!
How do you ensure that every word out of your mouth brings life instead of destruction? Only by asking God to guard your mouth!
Complainers cannot be content with what they have unless you ask the Lord for to bring contentment and gratefulness.
What do your words say about you? That you are a complainer? Or a loving listener?
Need some practical advice for when to speak and when to listen? Look no further than the world’s wisest man…
Words are powerful, both in a negative or a positive way! Choose them carefully!
The power of words has long been underestimated in encouraging and discouraging. One word can hurt or harm the person. While one word can also encourage and raise up.
Keeping our mouth closed is a learned skill that needs to be worked on throughout our lives. With God’s help we can do it.