Letting Go

Life Over

When a broken arm put an end to my driving for several months, I felt that life as I knew it was over.I was wrong, of course. Life went on in a new direction, highly supported by others who drove me where I needed to go.Our life's road is not ended when things change,...

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Fool’s Gold

When my brothers and I were young, we avidly collected chunks of mica and pyrite. Because the minerals sparkled and were beautiful, we assumed they were valuable. Pyrite is known as "fool’s gold", because its metallic shimmer and gold colour resembles true gold. It...

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In the summer of my eleventh year the home I had grown up in burned to the ground in the middle of the night. Thankfully, my Mom, Dad, Nana, brothers, and I escaped along with our dogs. Yet, we had nothing but the night clothes we were sleeping in. I spent the rest of...

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A Matter of Perspective

"Help, O LORD, for the godly are fast disappearing! The faithful have vanished from the earth!" Psalm 12:1 NLTOne look at the glass determined my perspective.The illustration has age but holds validity. What I classify a glass partially filled with liquid determines...

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You’re NOT Alone!

My granddaughter blew her birthday candles out on her 12th birthday. It seems like only yesterday when fear attacked me. At three months, she was hospitalized for ailments that puzzled doctors.They ordered tests and more tests, but no answers. We paced back and forth...

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Winds of Change

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." (Hebrews 13:8 NIV)A few years back change was brewing in our home. We had enjoyed a season of peace and calm without any crises. However change was in the wind. Circumstances were stirring with my husband's...

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